I have seen similar in the past. I think it often comes down to local elders in each congregation.
Case 1: I know of a brother who was presiding overseer whose daughter married outside of the "truth", and who paid for the honeymoon. Based on the elder's book this would have called his qualifications into question. But because he was pally with the circuit overseer nothing happened.
Fast forward to a year or so ago. The previous elder is no longer the presiding overseer because of age and ill health. Another elder in the same congregation let his daughter marry a man she met at work. Resulting in a committee being formed and his family being investigated, and restrictions placed on them, and the elder being demoted down to a ministerial servant.
Another case: two single baptised people came forward and admitted to "heavy petting" during dating. They were in 2 different congregations. Congregation 1 restricted their publisher for 6 months. Congregation 2 disfellowshipped their publisher. Both said the same story. Different elders with separate personalities and different perceptions. Oh and by the way, at the time, the congregation that disfellowshipped their publisher was run by the elder whose story began this post!